Configuring OpenAPI

To expose your server actions as RESTful endpoints in your application, we recommend using zsa-openapi. This ensures adherence to OpenAPI standards.

The functionality of zsa-openapi is heavily inspired by and built upon the work done in trpc-openapi. We owe a lot of credit to trpc-openapi for making this possible.

RESTful Endpoints

All server actions that you create can be exposed as RESTful endpoints using zsa-openapi. To get started, run:

npm i zsa-openapi

Next, define your desired server actions.

"use server"

import { z } from "zod"
import { createServerAction } from "zsa"

export const createPost = createServerAction()
    .input(z.object({ message: z.string() }))
    .handler(async ({ input }) => {
        // add your logic here

export const updatePost = createServerAction()
    .input(z.object({ postId: z.string(), message: z.string() }))
    .handler(async ({ input }) => {
        // add your logic here

export const getReply = createServerAction()
    .input(z.object({ postId: z.string(), replyId: z.string(), message: z.string() }))
    .handler(async ({ input }) => {
        // add your logic here

Now that you have your server actions, create an OpenAPI router and expose these actions as endpoints in your application. To do this in your Next.js application, create a route at /api/[[...openapi]]/route.ts:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter, createRouteHandlers } from "zsa-openapi"
import { createPost, updatePost, getReply, getPosts } from "./actions"

const router = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({   
    pathPrefix: "/api", 
    .get("/posts", getPosts, {
        tags: ["posts"],
    .post("/posts", createPost, {
        tags: ["posts"],
    .put("/posts/{postId}", updatePost, {
        tags: ["posts"],
    .get("/posts/{postId}/replies/{replyId}", getReply, {
        tags: ["replies"],

export const { GET, POST, PUT } = createRouteHandlers(router) 

Ensure that your pathPrefix matches the prefix to your /[[...openapi]]/route.ts path.

You can now hit your server actions at the configured paths. Your server actions will take the path parameters defined in your router as input to the action.

Anything not defined as a path parameter but required in the server action input will be required in the query parameters or request body for that endpoint.

OpenAPI Documentation

zsa-openapi allows you to take your RESTful API router and automatically generate valid, industry-standard OpenAPI documentation (OAS-compliant structure).

To do this in Next.js, start by creating an endpoint at /docs/page.ts:

import SwaggerUI from "swagger-ui-react"
import "swagger-ui-react/swagger-ui.css"
import { generateOpenApiDocument } from "zsa-openapi"
import { router } from "../api/[[...openapi]]/route"

export default async function DocsPage() {
  const spec = await generateOpenApiDocument(router, {
    title: "ZSA OpenAPI",
    version: "1.0.0",
    baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000",

  return <SwaggerUI spec={spec} />

If you hit this endpoint, you should have access to your API documentation in OAS-compliant structure. Here is an example of the outputted structured docs: Swagger Editor.


Single endpoints

Additionally, if you only want to expose a single server action as an endpoint, you can use createRouteHandlersForAction. This is good when you want to create adhoc route heandlers. For example:

import { z } from "zod"
import { createServerAction } from "zsa"
import { createRouteHandlersForAction } from "zsa-openapi"

const getPostAction = createServerAction()
  .input(z.object({ postId: z.string(), query: z.string().optional() }))
  .handler(async ({ input }) => {
    return {
      postId: input.postId,

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlersForAction(getPostAction) 


If you are trying to use a number value, you can use the coerce modifier to automatically convert the string value to a number. For example:

import { z } from "zod"
import { createServerAction } from "zsa"
import { createRouteHandlersForAction } from "zsa-openapi"

const getPostAction = createServerAction()
      number1: z.coerce.number(), 
      number2: z.coerce.number(), 
  .handler(async ({ input }) => {
    return {
      result: input.number1 * input.number2,

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlersForAction(getPostAction)


If you expose your server actions using createOpenApiServerActionRouter or setupApiHandler, then the NextRequest object will automatically be available in your defined actions and procedures. For example:

"use server"

import { z } from "zod"
import { createServerAction } from "zsa"

export const getReplyWithHeaders = createServerAction()
        z.object({ postId: z.string(), replyId: z.string(), message: z.string() })
    .handler(async ({ input, request }) => { 
        if (request) {
            // authenticate with headers
            const apiKey = request.headers.get("authorization")?.split(" ")[1] 

            if (!apiKey || apiKey !== "123") {
                throw new Error("NOT_AUTHORIZED")

            return {
                user: {
                    id: 123,
                    name: "test",
        } else {
            // authenticate with cookies
            const user = await auth()

            return {

In this example, the request object represents the incoming HTTP request. You can access various properties and methods of the request object, such as headers, to retrieve information from the request.

Response Metadata

When defining server actions using createServerAction, you can access and modify the response metadata through the responseMeta parameter in the action handler. The responseMeta object allows you to customize the response headers and status code for the specific action.

Here's an example of how you can use responseMeta:

import { createServerAction } from "zsa";
import { ZSAResponseMeta } from "zsa-openapi";

const updatePost = createServerAction()
  .input(z.object({ postId: z.string(), content: z.string() }))
  .handler(async ({ input, responseMeta }) => { 
    // Update the post logic here

    if (responseMeta) { 
      responseMeta.statusCode = 201; // Set the status code to 201 (Created)
      responseMeta.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom-value"); // Set a custom header

    return {
      message: "Post updated successfully",

In this example, the updatePost action modifies the response metadata using the responseMeta parameter. It sets the status code to 201 (Created) and adds a custom header x-custom-header with the value "custom-value".

The ZSAResponseMeta class provides the following properties:

  • headers: Headers: Represents the headers of the response. You can use the set, append, delete, and other methods of the Headers class to modify the response headers.
  • statusCode: number: Represents the status code of the response. By default, it is set to 200. You can assign a different status code as needed.

By modifying the responseMeta object, you can customize the response metadata for each individual action, allowing you to have fine-grained control over the response behavior.

Using responseMeta, you can tailor the response headers and status codes to match your API requirements and provide additional information or instructions to the clients consuming your API endpoints.

Extending Routers

The createOpenApiServerActionRouter function allows you to extend routers by combining multiple routers together. This is useful when you have separate files for different resource types, such as posts and users, and want to combine their routes in the final route.ts file.

Here's an example of how you can extend routers:


First we create a posts router:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter } from "zsa-openapi";
import { createPost, updatePost, deletePost } from "./postActions";

export const postsRouter = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({
    pathPrefix: "/api/posts",
  .post("/", createPost)
  .put("/{postId}", updatePost)
  .delete("/{postId}", deletePost);

Next we create a users router:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter } from "zsa-openapi";
import { createUser, updateUser, deleteUser } from "./userActions";

export const usersRouter = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({
    pathPrefix: "/api/users",
  .post("/", createUser)
  .put("/{userId}", updateUser)
  .delete("/{userId}", deleteUser);

We then combine the two routers into a main router:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter } from "zsa-openapi";
import { postsRouter } from "./posts";
import { usersRouter } from "./users";

export const router = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({
  extend: [postsRouter, usersRouter], 

Finally, we export the main router:

import { createRouteHandlers } from "zsa-openapi";
import { router } from "./_router";

export const { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE } = createRouteHandlers(router);

In this example, we have separate files for posts and users routes. Each file creates its own router using createOpenApiServerActionRouter. Then, in the final route.ts file, we create a new router and use the extend option to combine the postsRouter and usersRouter. This way, all the routes from both routers will be included in the final router.

Content Types

By default, zsa-openapi will only accept requests with the application/json content type for PUT and POST requests. If you need to accept other content types, you can specify them in the contentTypes option:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter } from "zsa-openapi";

export const openApiRouter = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({
  pathPrefix: "/api",
  defaults: {
    contentTypes: ["application/json"] 
  .get("/", getPosts, {
    tags: ["posts"],
    contentTypes: ["plain/text"] 
  .post("/", createPost, {
    tags: ["posts"],
    contentTypes: ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] 

zsa-openapi will only allow PUT and POST requests through if the content-type header matches one of the specified content types.

Error Handling

OpenAPI Error Status Codes

zsa-openapi maps ZSA error codes to HTTP status codes. This can be useful when returning errors from an API endpoint:

switch (error.code) {
    return 500
    return 400
    return 500
  case "ERROR":
    return 500
    return 401
  case "TIMEOUT":
    return 408
  case "FORBIDDEN":
    return 403
  case "NOT_FOUND":
    return 404
  case "CONFLICT":
    return 409
    return 412
    return 413
    return 405
    return 422
    return 429
    return 499
    return 402
    return 500

Customizing Errors

You can customize the error responses returned by the OpenAPI router by providing a shapeError function to the createRouteHandlers function. This function takes an error object as input and returns an object with the desired error response properties.

Here's an example of how to customize the error responses:

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlers(router, {
  pathPrefix: "/api",
  shapeError: (error) => { 
    return { 
      message: error.message, 
      code: error.code, 

It also works with createRouteHandlersForAction:

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlersForAction(getPostAction, {
  shapeError: (error) => { 
    return { 
      message: error.message, 
      code: error.code, 

You can even return your own custom error response:

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlers(router, {
  pathPrefix: "/api",
  shapeError: (error) => { 
    return new Response("Custom error", { status: 400 }) 


When defining OpenAPI actions using createOpenApiServerActionRouter or setupApiHandler, you can specify additional attributes to provide more information about the action. Here are the available attributes:

  • enabled?: boolean: Determines whether the action is enabled or not. If set to false, the action will be excluded from the generated OpenAPI documentation. Defaults to true.

  • method: OpenApiMethod: Specifies the HTTP method for the action. It can be one of the following values: "GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", or "DELETE". This attribute is required.

  • path: string: Defines the URL path for the action. It should start with a forward slash (/) and can include path parameters using curly braces (e.g., "/posts/{postId}"). This attribute is required.

  • summary?: string: Provides a brief summary or title for the action. It is used in the generated OpenAPI documentation.

  • description?: string: Describes the purpose or functionality of the action in more detail. It is used in the generated OpenAPI documentation.

  • protect?: boolean: Indicates whether the action requires authentication or authorization. If set to true, it implies that the action is protected and may require additional security measures.

  • tags?: string[]: Assigns tags or categories to the action. Tags are used to group related actions together in the generated OpenAPI documentation.

  • headers?: (OpenAPIV3.ParameterBaseObject & { name: string; in?: "header" })[]: Defines additional headers that are expected or required for the action. Each header is specified as an object with properties such as name, description, required, etc.

  • contentTypes?: OpenApiContentType[]: Specifies the supported content types for the request body of the action. It can include values like "application/json", "multipart/form-data", etc.

  • deprecated?: boolean: Indicates whether the action is deprecated. If set to true, it implies that the action should be avoided or is no longer recommended for use.

  • example?: { request?: Record<string, any>; response?: Record<string, any> }: Provides example request and response payloads for the action. It can be used to illustrate the expected input and output of the action.

  • responseHeaders?: Record<string, OpenAPIV3.HeaderObject | OpenAPIV3.ReferenceObject>: Defines the headers that are included in the response of the action. Each header is specified as a key-value pair, where the key is the header name and the value is an object describing the header.

These attributes allow you to provide additional information and metadata about your OpenAPI actions, making the generated OpenAPI documentation more comprehensive and informative.

Example:"/posts", createPost, {
  summary: "Create a new post",
  description: "Creates a new post with the provided title and content",
  tags: ["Posts"],
  protect: true,
  headers: [
      name: "Authorization",
      description: "Bearer token for authentication",
      required: true,
  contentTypes: ["application/json"],
  deprecated: false,
  example: {
    request: {
      title: "Example Post",
      content: "This is an example post",
    response: {
      id: "123",
      title: "Example Post",
      content: "This is an example post",

In this example, the createPost action is defined with various attributes such as summary, description, tags, protect, headers, contentTypes, deprecated, and example. These attributes provide additional information about the action and are used to generate comprehensive OpenAPI documentation.

Default Attributes

The createOpenApiServerActionRouter function also allows you to specify default OpenAPI attributes that will be applied to all actions in the router. This can be useful when you want to set common properties for all your actions.

Here's an example of how you can use defaults:

import { createOpenApiServerActionRouter, createRouteHandlers } from "zsa-openapi";
import { getPosts, createPost, updatePost, deletePost } from "./postActions";

const router = createOpenApiServerActionRouter({
  pathPrefix: "/api",
  defaults: { 
    tags: ["Posts"], 
    headers: [ 
        name: "Authorization", 
        description: "Bearer token for authentication", 
        required: true, 
  .get("/posts", getPosts)
  .post("/posts", createPost)
  .put("/posts/{postId}", updatePost)
  .delete("/posts/{postId}", deletePost);

export const { GET, POST, PUT, DELETE } = createRouteHandlers(router);

In this example, we use the defaults option to specify common properties for all actions in the router. We set the tags to ["Posts"] and define a required Authorization header. These defaults will be applied to all actions in the router, so you don't have to specify them individually for each action.


Below is an example to show how to use streaming in your server actions. TLDR is return your own Response : )

import { createServerAction } from "zsa"
import { createRouteHandlersForAction } from "zsa-openapi"

function iteratorToStream(iterator: any) {
  return new ReadableStream({
    async pull(controller) {
      const { value, done } = await

      if (done) {
      } else {

function sleep(time: number) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, time)

const encoder = new TextEncoder()

async function* makeIterator() {
  yield encoder.encode("<p>One</p>")
  await sleep(200)
  yield encoder.encode("<p>Two</p>")
  await sleep(200)
  yield encoder.encode("<p>Three</p>")

const action = createServerAction().handler(async () => {
  const iterator = makeIterator()
  const stream = iteratorToStream(iterator)

  return new Response(stream) 

export const { GET } = createRouteHandlersForAction(action)