
Callbacks allow you to run additional logic based on the lifecycle of a server action, such as when it starts, completes successfully, errors out, or encounters an input parsing error.

Available callbacks

The following callbacks can be configured when defining your server action or at the procedure level to be shared among a set of actions:

  • onStart
  • onSuccess
  • onComplete
  • onError
  • onInputParseError

The lifecycle of these callbacks when an action is invoked is as follows:

  1. Action gets invoked
  2. onStart runs
  3. onInputParseError runs if the input fails parsing (execution stops here if this occurs)
  4. The main logic for the action runs
  5. onSuccess runs if the handler completes successfully, or onError runs if the handler throws an error
  6. onComplete runs under all exit conditions
  7. The action's response is returned

Callbacks on actions

Here's an example of configuring callbacks on an individual action:

const exampleAction = createServerAction()
  .input(z.object({message: z.string()}))
  .onStart(async () => {
  .onSuccess(async () => {
  .onComplete(async () => {
  .onError(async () => {
  .onInputParseError(async () => {
  .handler(async ({input}) => {

Callbacks on procedures

You can also configure callbacks at the procedure level. Callbacks defined on a procedure will run for all actions that utilize that procedure:

const authedProcedure = createServerActionProcedure() 
    .onStart(async () => {
    .onSuccess(async () => {
    .onComplete(async () => {
    .onError(async () => {
    .handler(async () => {
        try {
            const { email, id } = await getUser();

            return {
                user: {
        } catch {
            throw new Error("User not authenticated")

const someFunction = authedProcedure.createServerAction()...

Note that procedure callbacks will execute before their corresponding action callbacks, but will still be called when the action is running. For example, a onComplete callback attached to a procedure will execute after the action is complete, not when the procedure is complete. Also, if there is also a onComplete handler on the action, then the onComplete handler on the procedure will run before the onComplete handler for the action.

Callback arguments

Each callback receives different arguments:

  • onStart
    • args: the original input to the action (same as input in the handler)
  • onSuccess
    • args: the original input to the action
  • onComplete
    • isSuccess: boolean indicating if the action succeeded
    • isError: boolean indicating if the action errored
    • status: string of either 'success' or 'error'
    • args: the original input to the action (only exists if isSuccess === true)
  • onError
    • The error that occurred
  • onInputParseError
    • The zod error that occurred during input parsing

By leveraging these callbacks, you can add logging, error handling, or other side effects to your server actions.