Best Practices

In order to ensure that zsa is used to its full potential, we've collected a few "best" practices. We hope to grow this list as more developers discover new ways of using zsa.

  1. Naming multiple calls:

    • If you need to call multiple server actions, you can name the resulting destructured array based on the action's functionality.
      const [categories, err1] = await categoriesAction();
      // ...
      const [places, err2] = await placesAction();
  2. Simple error messages:

    • When handling errors from server actions, throw the error message directly as a string from the server side:
      ...throw "User not found"; //this is within an action
    • On the client side, you can access the error message using and display it using a toast or any other preferred method:
      const [, err] = await action();
      if (err) {
       // handle error
      // ...
  3. Creating actions from procedures:

    • When creating server actions from procedures, create the procedure first and then chain the createServerAction() method:
      const procedure = createServerActionProcedure()/* ... */.createServerAction();
      const action1 = procedure.input(/* ... */);
      const action2 = procedure.input(/* ... */);
    • Instead of:
      const action1 = procedure.createServerAction().input(/* ... */);
      const action2 = procedure.createServerAction().input(/* ... */);

By following these best practices, you can ensure a cleaner and more maintainable codebase when using zsa.